Peace Train

Photo Credit: Unsplash – Photo by Jonathan Meyer, Kansas City

“Now I’ve been happy lately

thinking about the good things to come

And I believe it could be something good has begun

Oh I’ve been smiling lately

 dreaming about the world as one

And I believe it could be, someday it’s going to come

…peace train sounding louder

Ride on the peace train

Take this country

Come take me home again

Oh Peace train sounding  louder

Ride on the peace train”                  

                                                          “Peace Train,” (Cat Stevens, 1971, “Teaser and

                                                          The Firecat Album”)

Forty Two years* have come and gone since this important song hit the charts!  Stevens, and many of us, waited for the absence of hate and war…Yet, peace eluded this country.  The U.S. was still fighting in Vietnam despite protests in the streets and in the press.

Energetically, a lot of work had to be done between 1971 and 2013 for this peace train

to pick up speed.  In 1987 there was the Harmonic Convergence in Sedona, AZ where thousands (perhaps between 1,800 to 4,000) of spiritually-minded people came together to usher in a new era of spirituality.

Currently, there is something truly important to note: something we all witness:

 a level of chaos, negativity and despair in our world.  We do not have to focus on this darkness because there is also a level of love, compassion and joy abounding within our hearts. Love and compassion have reached the critical mass, which means that this is the predominant valence.  We still must continue to manifest this essential energy so that we create what we wish to see in the world.   

In the third dimension, we might say that we are waiting for the train.  However,

in the other realm, all time is happening now.  The peace train is already here.  Just as in quantum physics (string theory, I think) we will need to continue to choose the PEACE option, so that other possibilities wither away.  We co-create peace.  We manifest peace.  Peace is the choice of our consciousness.

All eyes are on this country.

“…peace train sounding louder  Ride on the peace train

       Take this country

       Come take me home again

       Oh Peace Train sounding louder

       Ride on the Peace Train”                                 


* I originally posted this blog (or so I thought) in 2013. Yet, I couldn’t find it on my internet blog OR in my back up, paper copies of prior posts.
Cat Stevens/Yusuf is one of my favorite artists. When a Facebook friend – MS – posted  “Peace Train” this week the message and melody aroused my passion for Yusuf’s work.  So, here is my lost post…
Hope you will enjoy it!

Posted in

Linda Marsanico

