About Linda

Here is My Coaching Philosophy :

Hello, I’m Dr. Linda Marsanico. I’m a spiritual coach and an energy worker.  I see my clients on secure video.  I’ll work with you in a number of ways:

We’ll look at your thoughts and habitual behavioral responses.  If you don’t like these, I’ll help you change them. 

We’ll look at the roots of these behaviors to understand the influence while remaining grounded in the present.

I’ll help you to build a meditation and mantra practice to keep you in the flow of positive energy and I will work with you to let go of what doesn’t serve you.

I offer Reiki and other energy modalities to relax and calm you.  We believe that focusing on positive thoughts and feelings leads to positive behavior change.

We’ll brainstorm and collaborate to organically find strategies to shift you, to move you toward a conscious, updated design.

I look forward to hearing from you on this website, LindaMarsanico.com.

Visit My Youtube Link : 


Learn about Linda’s Unique Approach.

Linda Marsanico

Linda, a psychologist with an integrative and spiritual focus, was educated in the United States and England. Her doctorate in social psychology is from Loughborough University, England. At Postgraduate Center, NYC, she clinically focused on psychodynamic work with children, adolescents, and families.

Linda’s philosophy is referred to as facilitation and collaboration which rests on an equal relationship: the client as the ‘expert’ on self and the facilitator as the ‘expert’ on theories for psychological change.

With the notion of play taken from the work of D.W. Winnicott, the English pediatrician and psychoanalyst, Linda utilizes the beauty and function of playing: involving fantasy, creativity, and energy flow. The task is to align the conscious and unconscious with the specific goal of moving toward desired changes, nurturing the healing process.

Linda Marsanico


My new e-book, "Compassion In My Own Words," can be downloaded on smashwords.com. It contains my first year of blogging. I'm thrilled to have it available as a free download and I look forward to hearing from you!