When all else fails, meditate with… by Trevor Ellestad https://www.flickr.com/photos/3434191/@NO 4/12038167614/
Sometimes meditations don’t go smoothly. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they always did?
There are times when it’s difficult to shift into a meditative mind, when thoughts do not flow into a quiet ocean of peace, or waves of color, mostly deep blue for me.
This essay (with the same title) is a changed version of my blog post of February 2013. I want to share peaceful topics during turbulent times. Here’s the changed post:
I now meditate in the morning and evening. If I can’t schedule one of these, I let it go, being compassionate with myself. My meditation space is darkened and quiet, and I set a timer for 20 minutes. The fertile environment for this purpose is created. Yet at times, thoughts intrude. I find it troubling, and it’s very tempting to judge myself and feel disappointed, because I am unable to do the “spiritual thing.”
Why does this happen? Thoughts get in the way when I am preoccupied with tasks like a dinner party, or a project deadline or when something is unresolved and concerning; or for a reason I don’t understand. At this point, I continue and go back to center, to my heart, and the meditation. I continue to bring myself back to the meditation, being kind to myself and aware of my restless mind.
When thoughts won’t go away, it’s the kind of situation, which allows me to love my imperfect-perfect self. I can accept this failing because it shows the variability of who I am and what I can accomplish.
Remember that tomorrow is a new day, and another opportunity to shift into that quiet ocean of peace.
I’ll be in touch on February 25th.
I wish each of you peace and love.
“Compassion: In My Own Words” is my e-book, which contains the original blog post. You can find it on line under the title, and my name.
#meditationspace #fertileenvironment #restlessmind #CompassionInMyOwnWordsebook #thoughtsintrude