All things come to those who wait is my paraphrase of Confucius. A rephrase of a song I like very much is that I am moving like Jagger (“Moves like Jagger,”Maroon 5, Adam Levine, with C. Aguilera, 2011) I’m just playing…Mick Jagger is one of my all time favorite artists, and I really like Adam Levine and Christina Aguilera, too!
My version of the Confucian saying is: All things come to those who work at it, and wait. Work, patience, play and timing are essential efforts when we plan a goal. Sometimes, what we manifest will come in quickly, other times, not.
A few years ago, I manifested fresh flowers. I focused on someone giving me the flowers, and a distant relative brought me two, beautiful, Gerber daisies a day later. In a more complex situation, in 2005, my manifestation did not materialize. My stance was to will a project to happen, and to my great disappointment, the project did not budge, as we did not get the necessary funding. Raising our own monies would have been piecemeal and labor intensive. I decided to pull back. The project still has not happened, because, I realize, the timing is off. It may become a possibility as we go forward…This remains to be seen.
Have you seen Savion Glover tap dance? Or, Mick Jagger move about the stage for 2+ hours, in concert? Have you heard Jack White play his guitar (“It Might Get Loud,” 2009, Sony, Directed by Davis Guggenheim)? Performers like Glover, Jagger, and White f-e-e-l the timing. And we can be moved by the sight, the sound:… the vibration…it can stir us if we tune in…
Artists and musicians (remember they ‘play’ and we do the same with our own gifts) show us that timing is of the essence. Remember the complex time signatures in The Beatles’ “All You Need Is Love.” (See my Blog, Sept. 30)
In comparison…let us imagine the complexity of universal timing…
After learning, through pain and disappointment, to let go, I very much want to share what I’ve come to know, so that you, I and everybody else will have an easier go at ‘timing.’ In planning a project, or making a decision, when the pace is not flowing, I call upon our forefathers and foremothers — Native Americans. I (in the metaphor) put my dampened finger to the wind. Then, spiritually, through the wind blowing on my face…the sound of the water’s flow in my ears, I comprehend that I’m on the trail of my soul’s mission. I hear my Co-Creator speaking to me…wait up, be patient, re-evaluate…I remember that my heart beats to the pulse of the earth, and I – choosing to partake, forming the intention – reach up to Father Sky and connect below, to Mother Earth – thereby totally connecting to powerful Source energy. I have adjusted my ‘timing.’
Now, I am back in the flow and able to HEAR the wisdom which guides me on my spiritual path. Here, I have compassion for myself, and once I have this, I am poised to touch the infinite.
Until next week,