Wednesdays in Brooklyn

On Tuesday night I felt apprehension. I had no definite place to be on Wednesday because Grand Central was no longer my destination. I awoke in the morning and evaluated the possibilities for my schedule as there was no structure imposed on my day. Here’s something. Because my week was so hectic there had been no time to do my practice billing. Now I had the freedom to delve into it. Three hours later, a local coffee shop was my next stop. For a moment I caught myself imagining my 41st Street office, but I quickly brought myself back to the reality of now… today… Wednesday… post GC era. I’m staying local…The Red Horse Café in Park Slope. India tea was my choice of beverage to nourish and hydrate me as I combed the internet for blogging sites and places unknown. Doesn’t this jibe with exotic Indian tea? There I was – quite the writer-researcher, playing hooky from school, I mean work. This agrees with me! ‘I think I like it.’(line from a Donna Summer song) I felt liberated… After a short time, Oliver, a screen writer, sat next to me and asked questions about the café’s internet password. A friendly conversation led to my sharing my profession; that I have a blog and have written a book. Oliver showed me a site which he felt I had to have because it combines blogging and book hosted by Tim Ferriss. It’s very interesting. I do believe that Universe led us to meet so that I would have this link. I hope you agree that this is an auspicious beginning to my Wednesdays in Brooklyn, near the F train. With my new direction, I feel guided by spirit and encouraged in my writing. A blogging I will go…feeling free. Linda

#cafe #4hww #profession #auspicious #fourhourblogcom

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Linda Marsanico

