Meditation by Jerald Jackson https://www.flickr.com/photos/12287146@NO4/49211386721
Because we’ve had so much turmoil this year, I want to offer the subject of short meditations to get you in touch with your peaceful, spiritual self. You can visit this ‘self’ to rest, relax and recharge…I have developed the three-to-five minute meditation, which can be engaged in quickly. This is a reprint from my blogpost from March 2013. I’ve added some additional thoughts.
Here’s how the slightly changed post goes:
Three-to-five minutes whiz by quickly. In this short bit of time I can text, check phone messages, read an article in The New York Times. Or, I can choose to meditate – to find myself on the road to different dimensions, and to build what I call the ‘muscle’ of meditating. Once developed, this ‘muscle’ allows me to get into the zone of mystical experience more quickly, and into my higher dimensional bodies more deeply.
At the beginning of developing a practice, the three-to-five minutes can be restorative, like a power nap, or an oasis in a desert. The prize is getting into the zone, beyond thinking: being in the moment, and visiting my spiritual self.
This three-to-five minute segment emerged with my clients as a kind of ‘let’s try it out’ – sampling a beneficial, free and relaxing activity we can take anywhere. Meditation is more manageable in this short segment while it can seem overwhelming in long periods.
Let’s call this short segment a power meditation: I develop ‘muscle’ as I sit…on the train…in a waiting room…at my desk.
Remember, as a beginning, all it takes is three-to-five minutes. You can find my three-to-five minute meditation on my website LindaMarsanico.com in the Soundcloud section.
This is the last blog post of 2018. I’ll be in touch on January 28th.
I wish each of you peace and love.
Compassion: In My Own Words This is my e-book which contains the original blogpost.
#shortmeditation #zone #mysticalexperience #restorative #powernap #peacefulself