Water Pool Summer <a href = “http://Foter.com/re/3bd9ba“>Foter.com</a>
My childhood self is sad to see August slip away.
The summer is more than half over:
Thoughts of school beckon –
Homework, the challenge of
Structure and higher-grade work…
As I write this morning from my window
I see various shades of green
In this paradise of color
With splashes of raspberry and violet,
A touch of red and yellow to titillate my eyes,
The original photo lens…
The slow breeze jostles this flora habitat
Into slow motion – peaceful to inhale.
Construction noise interrupts my reverie, bringing me
To the realization that work goes on even if I wish to
Fast-forward…today is the solar eclipse, a surprise in an orderly
Universe. I’m going to enjoy this and the rest of summer’s warm touch…
I’ll speak to you in three weeks – September 11.
Peace and light.
#childhoodself #paradiseofcolor #peacefultoinhale #dream #solareclipse #variousshadesofgreen