Pele`Beijoqueiro by Luis Bueno, rua Amaral Gurgel, Sao Paulo, Brazil
In 2013, during the first year of my website, I blogged about the power of love, citing the oft-quoted psalm (1.Corinthians 12:31-13:8a):
“…love is patient,
it is not inflated, it is not rude,
it does not seek its own interests,
it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood
over injury, it does not rejoice over
wrong doing but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things,
believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things,…”
Also, Christ asks us to love everyone as we love our self. I’m not suggesting that this is an easy task…
The power of love begins with the love of self, which is achieved through a relentless pursuit of inner truth – looking for the creator-given wisdom inside of you. This is an intense journey because healing yourself is your most challenging task. In the pursuit of this wisdom, and from this perspective, you don’t blame others for your problems. You take responsibility for them because you understand that you create them through the choices you make – moment-to-moment, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, and so on…
The intention is to look at yourself in the mirror to understand the meaning of your interactions. You ask: “What does my reaction to this person or situation say about me?” “What is this person teaching me?” (Of course, you are teaching them as well.)
“What do I learn here?”
We often forget the essential fact that we MUST start at the love of self, to develop compassion – the soul sister of love. Compassion is an everyday experience where there are many opportunities to react with love and compassion versus fear and anger. This is your choice. Always.
The poem – Corinthians – is frequently quoted as couples prepare for marriage. At the beginning of a relationship, called the “honeymoon period,” the bond is often intense. The task is to sustain these special feelings. This is a challenge, which rests on the work you do on the love you have for your self. I emphasize that the foundation to relational sustainability rests on the work you have done on your self, before the relationship with your partner.
You have looked within to accept the nooks and crannies of whom you are. You start with a partner who has a similar love of self. As broadcast journalists, we are radiating “who we are” at all times. Our vibe is felt by, and communicated to all. We can’t hide from this. The vibration of love is pervasive and is part of your love of self, your love of family, your love for humanity and love of your special partner. These are all interconnected.
LOVE OF YOURSELF – true acceptance of your every aspect, will bring you peace and robust health. Eventually it will bring you bliss, where your thoughts are consistent with this alignment. When a negative thought arises, you, through the changed software program in your brain, with its reverberations in your body/mind/spirit, shift to a consistent level of thinking, feeling and being…
LOVE OF HUMANITY – knowing and seeing yourself (I include your nuclear family in this category.) as part of the totality of oneness – will bring you a clarity and knowing. Here, you will find wonderment of the power of creation.
LOVE OF YOUR PARTNER catapults you into an exciting adventure, creating “intimacy on all levels. This allows the relationship to be genuine, and fresh – lasting in the long term.” See the original blogpost: https://lindamarsanico.com/single-post/2013/9/23/POWER-OF-LOVE
Celine Dion sings about the “Power of Love:”
“We’re heading for something. Somewhere I’ve never been.
Sometimes I am frightened. But I’m ready to learn of
The power of love.” (Epic 1993)
Brian Adams sings:
“I’m finding it hard to believe we’re in heaven.
Love is all that I need, and I found it there
In your arms, it isn’t too hard to see
We’re in heaven.” (Co-written by B. Adams, J. Vallance, A&M, 1985)
I’ve quoted these poets: Paul in his letter to the Corinthians; Celine Dion; Bryan Adams. Let’s take a leap from the apparent fantasy of these 3 verses, to the reality of achieving a relationship that takes your breath away. (This is an example of using fantasy to infuse your reality and goal setting.)
To be in heaven in your lover’s arms, there are some essential components:
Relentless pursuit of self-truth
An appropriate vibrational partner
Loving/compassionate communication
Sexual attraction
At this point, the power of love is all you need. As the Beatles say: “All you need is love,
All you need is love, love. Love is all you need…Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. (Lennon-McCartney, 1967, Parlophone.)
My next blog will be posted on September 3rd – Labor Day.
Enjoy the remaining days of glorious summer…
I wish you peace and love,
#Corinthians #Loveispatientkind #Lovebearsallthings #Christmas #loveofself #takingresponsibility #teachinglearning #creatorgiveninnerwisdom #BrianAdams #CelineDion #ApostlePaul #fantasyintogoalsetting #healingyourself #choicescreateourreality #honeymoonperiod #sustainingromanticlove #broadcastjournalists #Beatles #AllYouNeedisLove