“…lend Me Your Ears and I’ll Sing You a Song and I’ll Try Not to Sing out Of Key…”

I’ve been thinking about my yoga-class experience two weeks ago (see last week’s blog), wanting to understand the experience from a spiritual perspective: what is the mirror showing me? Is this an example of universe giving me a nudge? Let me share some background history… I was asked to leave two offices last year. (See blog March 4, 2013) In retrospect, my relocating results in some kind of more appropriate situation for me. But, I still don’t fully understand what this means for my growth. What was the mirror? Perhaps the gift is a shorter workweek? Does this yoga situation push me out of one class to resituate me in another? Perhaps. Was it time for me to find a more appropriate vibe, in my yoga experience? I think so. For a while, I had been preoccupied with my mother being in hospice, and later, her passing, and so I disregarded the class’ ambience, which wasn’t totally resonating for me. What I have come to realize is that when I don’t pay attention to right here, right now, universe ups the ante: in this case the sort of public discussion about my lateness. As a result, I was forced to pay attention to the fact that I do not feel comfortable in that arena, and that I could benefit from a change in my exercise routine. I got to feeling comfy and loyal in that class, and not interested in change, which is the bedrock of spiritual growth. Remember, we are the movers and shakers because, by following the path, we change and this influences the ALL. Our personality wants to put on the brake, while our spirit wants to sprint. I’m paying attention now, and, I found a Wednesday, Zen-like class that I like very much. I’m finding the motivation to work out again, combining aerobics on a bicycle (now a stationary one in the gym; soon, in the warmer weather, an actual ride around Prospect Park) with weight lifting (pumping iron) to complement and round out my regime. My triceps are joyful, even giddy! Soon I may try a Zumba class. Currently, my exercise schedule is a bit shaky, uncertain; you know, the way we feel in transitions, especially when the status quo seemed so comfy, 1-2x per week for almost a year. I remember how uncertain I felt when I knew of no suitable office space for my psychology practice, once two leaseholders gave me several months to find a new office. The question becomes ‘where will I go, or what will I do, to get what I need?’ Without faith, this can be a terrifying space: empty of the certainty and comfort of the usual habit, and the familiar faces. I constantly reminded myself that this change in office space would be supported and guided by universe. This helped so much! Here, we do ‘get by with a little help from our friends.’ But, who are these friends? Let’s get spiritual…we have angels and guides around us at all times. We are never alone. Doreen Virtue Ph.D., the spiritual psychologist, suggests we ask our angels for help, accepting their guidance. We don’t know what the outcome will be, but it will be full of support and blessing (“Healing With The Angels,” Hay House, 1999). Well, I landed on my feet! And, I remember when the email from Cynthia arrived in my inbox, asking if I were still interested in Tuesday in her office. She had to make some changes; would I give her some time to complete these. This was music to my ears. I was so grateful. Friends like Cynthia (who worked to accommodate my two-days per week in her office) helped me get by…Grisel, my dear friend who gifted me Virtue’s book and (See blog, March 4, 2013) helped me get by through her prayers and warm support. Now, I feel blessed and comfy in my new digs, and will learn more about this transition from three, down to one office. In addition, I do believe that I will learn more about myself from the shift in my workout schedule and continued pursuit of yoga. There’s another thing…in researching the lyrics for my title song for the last two blogs, I found a discrepancy in the wording. From www.azlyrics.com: “What would you THINK if I sang out of tune?” From the videos – Ringo and John; and Joe Cocker: “What would you DO if I sang out of tune?” Just a bit of blogging trivia, but if anyone knows anything about the inconsistency between the original composition and videos, please, do let us know what’s what?!?! Check out this 1968 video of Joe Cocker and the Greaseband performing, live. Looks like it’s recorded on a hand-held camera! Also, I wish us a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Green is one of my favorite colors… Speak to you March 31…

(Ringo Starr, lead singer, “With A Little Help From My Friends,” “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Album,” 1967, writers, Lennon-McCartney, SONY/ATV, Parlophone; also covered by Joe Cocker,1968; in 2001, Cocker’s rendition was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame).


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Linda Marsanico

