I’ve written about manifesting in my blogs dated July 29, Aug. 27, Sept. 2, and Sept. 9, 2013; now is a good time to expand that discussion to include co-creating. Manifesting is the art and science of focusing our feelings, desires and thoughts for the purpose of attracting what we want, in concrete form, into our lives. As far as I have learned, co-creating adds a different dimension because we acknowledge the Universal Plan in our request.
What I mean to say is that when we co-create, we partner with Source… In co-creating, we coincide with the Universe… We acknowledge that we work with a power greater than ourselves. What I believe to be important is to develop a focused request which is flexible enough to expect a response which may come in differently from what we expect. The request will come in when it is in our best interests, or it will be different from the original directive. With co-creating, we work in tandem with Source…and it takes faith to know that we are heard.
I’ve used the term broadcast journalists to describe our innate ability to send our waves of energy outward into the collective consciousness, the Universe. The way I see it, when we manifest, we act alone, within the confines of our ego, even our heart ego. With co-creation, we act with the wisdom of our Higher Self, and our Creator… We are more powerful when we co-create because there is infinite possibility when we are in the flow of All That Is…
With co-creating, we reach into our higher mind, remembering that our peaceful, loving mind, not wishing any harm to others, is the most powerful force in the universe. ( See Blog, July 22, Wayne Dyer).
Let’s be playful. Have you ever heard children say that something will occur X infinity? Let’s be childlike and think of Superman and Batman (See Blog, June 3) or, importantly, the superhero within us, joining force with Universal power…WHAM…POW…MOVEMENT …FLOW…REVERBERATION… Our peaceful, loving mind X infinity to the infinite power. Co-creating. Now, that is super cool…
As we co-create on our daily, spiritual path, we partner with this infinite power to transform our efforts to share compassion with all beings on earth, at all times, in all situations. It is in this sharing that we receive great benefit. (taking Quan Yin’s urging from her enlightenment meditation).
Remember the sentiment that life is but a dream? Let’s add that life is also a meditation, because with this discipline, we climb above our ego-mind into the cadence of our heart and higher mind, enlisting our Higher Self (whom Kryon calls our Golden Angel). Here lies our greatest wisdom. This is a direct connection to the infinite. The grand view from here and there is where I want to kick up my heels…This is where I wish to play…
Until next week…
#infinity #infinitepower #cocreate #universe #collectiveconsciousness #highermind #pwerfulforce #waynedyer #allthatis #goldenangel #kryon