How Do My Birthday, Thanksgiving and November 8 Come Together? We Can View Them on The Vibe of Lov

There are so many issues to write about! And, I wish to speak about them in this one post. Oh Vey! What’s an Italian, Russian, Romanian writer to do?

This Thanksgiving, especially, is a time for gratitude. I am thankful for so much. When my birthday occurs on a Thursday, it coincides with Thanksgiving. This means that I spend my special day (and days prior) prepping and cooking for a dinner party of 14. My largest turkey dinner was for 28 family members.

Our tradition is to eat all day, starting with appetizers: guacamole, spinach pie (my daughter-in-law), Swedish meatballs, nuts and cheeses.

2nd course, raviolis (my daughters make them from scratch) – (I make the Italian, red sauce –my mother’s recipe.)

3rd course, turkey with stuffing, vegetables including salad, eggplant parmigiana, broccoli with garlic and oil, candied sweet potatoes, white, mashed potatoes, sautéed mushrooms. My brother-in-law will make his El Salvadorian turkey. (His mom’s recipe.)

After taking a walk with the pooches, chatting and cleaning the dishes, we make room for dessert of pumpkin pie and cheese cake (made by Vivian, a new friend), a small, mixed-berry whipped-cream cake (old-fashioned…) from Cousin John’s – remember it’s my birthday – and ice cream…We tell new guests to “pace yourself” – as we eat small amounts of these foods, leaving left-overs…I am in bliss for a week afterwards…I am known to give out doggy bags for the adults…and for the pooches!

The surprising election results of November 8th have brought conflict and chaos into the world. Of course we can focus on this vibration if we wish. I am choosing not to…I’m not sure where I learned this (I have had so many teachers.), but we have another option: to tune into the dimension of love and joy, and illumination, as we will attract this complementary energy! Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives us something to do but takes us nowhere (anonymous quote).

Buddha urges: “Just Do.” Simply said. Remember that your dreams are on the other side of your fears (anonymous quote). Leaders and architects take action to build and create with intention. Focused intention is like a laser… So lead in the direction of your heart. Let’s remember what Yoda said to Luke Skywalker: “Do or do not. There is no try.”

May the force be with you…

Speak to you on December 5th.



PS: With the help of my assistant, I’ve included a wonderful video to inspire us to compassion for people in need. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

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Linda Marsanico

