Photo: Exercise IV by Katijah https://www.flickr.com/photos/katidjah/8375737445/
At the gym recently, there was a sign that read: “Exercise Generosity.” What a play on words. It got me thinking about my workout and a willingness to give and share.
I can work out with a generous attitude toward myself by taking it slow, breathing into my actions, going with the flow of my internal resources (vs. tensing in the repetitions).
With this positive mindset, I can let go of tension. This process strengthens my physical action: there is more of a direct communication between my focused mind and the body I wish to affect.
What if I turn this outward? How can I exercise generosity to others?
I can take responsibility for my fears and anger rather than seeing others as the cause of this. I can heal my hurt feelings by looking at myself in the mirror, asking what a situation or interaction says about me. I can give someone the benefit of the doubt, and listen to diverse opinions (sometimes very hard). I can understand that others are in their own struggle, realizing once again, that we are all connected. A smile from me can make a difference.
This ‘feeling’ workout builds my emotional and spiritual muscle while the gym exercise develops my physique. This dual training keeps me in mind.body.spirit alignment where I can access my full capacity and power. Think of it as an influential and flowing stance. I’m empowered, not choosing power over anyone.
During this time of political strife, my flowing stance keeps me humble and spiritually proud, able to ground myself amidst the upheaval of the ethos.
The wind of change feels gentler here…
In Joy and Light,
Speak to you on April 17th,
#hurtfeelings #politicalstrife #windofchange #diverseopinions