E Pluribus Unum = out Of Many, One

You’d have to wonder.

Linda is so concerned with compassion for the ‘other.’

Why? Because actually they are sister and brother

Sharing the world’s bounty

Without concern for origin or county.

E Pluribus Unum comes to mind

To me it is a great find – I’m remind (ed)

Of the vision of our Founding Fathers

Of creating a most ‘perfect’ union

Which needs our effort for a lot of perfecting.

The Meaning:

Originally E Pluribus Unum focused

On many states becoming a union, the one.

Later, it came to suggest our many

Differences (race, religion, etc.) in forming the

Melting pot, the one.

There is a new perspective to share

If I differ and dare:

E Pluribus Unum translates: Out of many, one

Put on your spiritual glasses…

And see us as a cell in God’s fabric,

Of the many who consist of the spectacular ONE!

We are all mutually dependent and

Intimately connected in the spiritual Lattice

(The arrangement of energy surrounding us).

We can send LOVE through this

Link… Love, compassion, gratitude can flow through the Lattice

Connecting.……many become the one…

From our energetic effort, participation and empowerment,

From this complex but simple core,

We’ve all won.


Speak to you on June 6th.


PS: E Pluribus Unum appears on many of the US coins.

2Create via Foter.com/CC BY – NC – ND

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Linda Marsanico

