Do or Do Not, There Is No Try

Yoda to Luke Skywalker, “The Empire Strikes Back, 1980

On Thursday night, I meditated for almost three hours, through teleconference, with Laura Lizak who channels Quan Yin. QY tells us ‘to demand excitement in this world!’ and further that it is ‘easier than ever to jump for joy!’

I am reminded of jumping rope, especially double Dutch, as a schoolgirl. Who taught me? I likely learned by watching schoolmates before class and during yard play. Right here, right now (as QY often says) this fills me with joy and anticipation of fun! School-yard play was so important in my youth. The timing involved with double Dutch – entering the ropes in motion was no easy task — we had to be in the moment and DO, that is, GET IN THERE. The entering process was precise, and my girlfriends had impeccable timing.

For a while now, I have been writing that as adults we forget how to play. I am a prime example. Some years ago my brother scolded me: “Linda, with each, new degree, you get more and more serious. Chill out.” Chilling out causes the body to respond accordingly. Smiling uses fewer facial muscles and encourages the ripple effect where people respond to our smile with their smile.

Recently, my daughter, upon returning from Greece, told me that Americans work too much. This is true – and we don’t play enough. This pattern begins in school where many American school children have less outside playtime than their European counterparts. Too much work and no play make Abigail a dull girl.

In 2007, Timothy Ferriss presented “The 4-Hour Workweek,” (now published by Random House) which earned the #1 spot on the New York Times Best Seller List. He turns assumptions about work upside down and shows how he plays far more than he works, while earning more money than he needs. He is now a member of the ‘New Rich,’ as he calls it.

Feel free to dream and create goals out of your imagination! Be prepared for the work. The task is to DO…”there is no try.”



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Linda Marsanico

