
Feel It in Your Heart Feel It in Your Soul

Lionel Ritchie (All Night Long, Motown, 1983 ) Here I am, writing about playing again… Curtis Mayfield, a Chicago native, ...
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Linda Marsanico

Do or Do Not, There Is No Try

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rkdYSRoqRM Yoda to Luke Skywalker, “The Empire Strikes Back, 1980 On Thursday night, I meditated for almost three hours, through ...
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Linda Marsanico

Which Is It – Batman or Superman?

As I write this morning, I am sitting in The Field (a name inspired by a Rumi proverb), a café/restaurant ...
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Colorful waves and dotted lines in sync

Compassion as The Music of The Soul

How do I go with the flow? The flow is a journey, without resistance, in the NOW moment…where we feel ...
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