Voice Actor Author – Falashad https://www.flickr.com/photos/f_jean/5158286150
There are so many exciting things to share with you this evening about my social media activities!
Russell Suereth, the founder and publisher of SpiritualFizz.com recently published “The Muscle of Meditation in Technicolor.” In it, I describe my profound relationship with meditation. In my practice, meditation brings me to relaxation. The muscle of meditation moves me to a different level of experience where I reach into the other realms to a blissful state.
Emilio Ron and I recorded an hour-long podcast relating to my life and work that was made live on August 21st. my son’s birthday! Emilio is an exquisite interviewer who made me feel so comfortable chatting with him…we had such fun!
You can find the recording on emilioron.com/inspirational-chronicles OR by going to SoundCloud.com and searching for Linda Marsanico. Scroll down to Inspirational Chronicles #008 “Revealing the Unconscious.” I’m including these two options because I had trouble getting to Emilio’s website on the above link!
Sixteen years ago today, we in the United States experienced the attack on the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, NYC. Since then and continuing our hearts go out to families who lost a husband, wife, sister, brother, child, nephew, neighbor, friend…in this violence, which killed over 3,000 people. Many of us know someone who is intimately affected by this tragedy! Today is a time to remember our love and compassion for all who were touched …
9/11 reminds me to open my heart to the pain of others…
I borrowed a phrase from Confucius to which I added a few things:
All things come to those who are patient, loving and compassionate; those who work for what they want, co-creating while stepping back to let it happen; those who join the ease of the flow of life…
This next phrase is one of my own quotes: Reaching into the compassionate heart segues into our highest potentials…
In New York City, it is still summer, yet the weather feels like fall. I am choosing to let this unpredictability flow through me ~ by focusing on the beat of a different drum ~ the flow of the vibration of L O V E
It’s a gentle, almost imperceptible breeze, which guides me
I’ll speak to you on September 25th
Peace and light,
#RussellSuereth #SpiritualFizzcom #TheMuscleofMeditationinTechnicolor #EmilioRon #InspirationalChronicles #UncoveringtheUnconscious #WorldTradeCenter