not alone any more…we are on Explore by Adrienne – for peace? https://www.flickr.com/photos/adriennefromred/4886117002/
I reminisce about:
Playtime at the beach
When I was young and in the sun.
Vacation from the teach (ers)
The last full month of summer –
Now, school is not a bummer.
I enjoyed learning as a child. Did you?
August Wilson, the biracial playwright
JITNEY, among many, depicting the African-
American experience.
Steamy days and lots of air conditioning,
And sometimes fans.
Speaking of fans, August Wilson had many –
his drama was engaging and award-winning.
Have you seen any of his productions?
It’s time for vacation and taking it slow.
Oh, to decide where to go.
North, South, East or West,
Which destination is the best?
Only you can decide…
I hope you enjoyed my little poem
I wrote it in a café near my home
To inspire me, to inspire you…
Enjoy the steamy month of August –
by staying cool…
I’m taking some time off for the summer. I’ll speak to you next on September 23rd– the beginning of fall…
Peace and Love, Linda
#AugustWilson #beach #sun #inspiration #poem #steamy #fans #AfricanAmerican