South Beach Boardwalk – Verrazano-Narrows Bridge .
by andyinnyc https://www.flickr.com/photos/andyinnyc/2128192358
I thought a poem would express
The nature of my happiness.
Having a birthday and Thanksgiving
In the same week – my cup runneth over.
Messages of regard abounded
As I strove to be grounded.
Texts and phone calls were the greeting,
The modern, technological meeting.
Love poured in like a delicious wine…
Happy Birthday to me.
On Turkey Day we prepared for 28,
A team effort created the food to sate
The appetites of those who ate
Delicious recipes from all
In a comfortable space.
This is a time of abundance.
Have it. Enjoy it. Share it.
Abundance is too splendid to keep
On a shelf
Or in a vault.
Shall we do a somersault
To create a momentum of
Love demonstrated to those who are
Not in our family, but who reside in
The greater collective?
I’ll copy that…
Be cozy at home during these shorter (daylight) days…
Speak to you on December 16th.
Peace and Love,
#birthdaycakes #Thanksgiving #techmeeting #somersault #teameffort #greatercollective