A Song in the Key of Harmony

A spectacular cardinal coiffed in orange-red

Grabbed my attention from work,

To focus on a rear garden.

His mate joined him as they

Flew and perched, to my delight

As I kept them in sight…

A striking butterfly joined the view

As she fluttered her yellow and black wings anew,

Landing, then swaying on a lilac bush

To the pulse of silent music and natural order…

A squirrel jumped and landed on a railing.

Almost falling over…he regained balance.

I am inspired by the collaboration and grace

Of these beings…

And the tranquility of the scene.

Nature shows balance and harmony.

These little creatures coincide, sharing paradise:

Food, atmosphere, serenity and sunshine.

Nature sustains and restores them as it does us.

We, too, depend upon this nourishment.

Considering nature is an essential meditation

For rejuvenation and calm…

My garden becomes a simple yet profound teacher…

If only I will listen and learn…

Oh, to mirror this picture

In our daily lives, embody the principles

Of partnership, grace, sharing…

The peaceful path is evident in my garden.

Speak to you on August 29th.



h.koppdelaney  www.flickr.com/photos/h-k-d/38122106114/

h.koppdelaney www.flickr.com/photos/h-k-d/38122106114/

#cardinal #perched #butterfly #squirrel #creatures #grace #collaborationinnature #naturesustainsus #grabbedmyattention #pulseofsilentmusicandnaturalorder #peacefulpath

Posted in

Linda Marsanico

