Bumpy Roads by Kristian20 https://www.Flickr.com/photos/Kristian20/930353611
I just returned after 8 days in Sedona, the land of awesome red rocks, which glow orange to red “when illuminated by the rising and setting sun.” The town is quiet and nurturing. I took a long walk to Airport Vortex to meditate under the shade of a tree in 99-degree temperatures, and hiked along a local trail replete with fitness loops: I performed sit-ups and walked on balance beams.
The vacation wasn’t all sunny: there was trouble in paradise:
My dear, 79-year-old Aunt Fran passed after a short illness. Even though I was supportive to my cousins, I missed the wake and funeral, with the opportunity to grieve with the Marsanico clan over conversations and food. Ours is a close tribe.
A friend of the family had a serious mental-health emergency. I was asked for my professional feedback on prospective care.
The gas was off in my home for 4 days due to a glitch. I couldn’t use my stove, nor could I take a hot shower. I sort of camped out in my abode, sponge bathing each day.
My 15+-year-old washing machine broke down. No parts were available because of its age. I ordered a new unit that will be delivered in a week’s time – I couldn’t wash sheets and towels.
A prompt came on in the car: I needed to look at the tire pressure. I had no tools to check this, and, anyway, I’m not handy like that. Asking for help at the gas station, a woman helped me fill the pressure in one of the tires that had reduced by 10 points. I wanted to take her picture for this blog but she refused. I wanted to photograph a woman helping another woman…
I maintained my serenity by meditating several times a day, by lunching with friends and getting stuff done. Had a long meditative-healing session with Quan Yin and Laura Lizak. I also have faith that these challenges – bumps – are given to help me grow my spiritual energies.
Life, even on vacation, has its bumps along the road, yet the bounce has allowed me to discover balance at a different level, providing I let go of any negative feelings associated with the challenge. For example, I let go of anger over the lack of gas service. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I ate raw foods, salads, and used the microwave to make tea and an egg. I remind myself that I had the opportunity to ascend to a brighter energy after facing the challenges, the bumps. This is, of course, their purpose…
A lot happened in 8 days. The adventure of the spiritual path is even bouncier on red rocks…
Enjoy Summer…
Speak to you on July 9th.
Peace and Light,
#bumpyroad #troubleinparadise #tirepressure #womenhelpingwomen #QuanYin #spiritualchallenges #redrocks