Hands In Teamwork. Artist: Rawich www.freedigitalphotos.net
A few years ago, a client, a talented artist, asked me what he could do in between appointments to practice the strategies we discussed during session. His question helped me crystallize this for myself, and I responded, “Choose love over fear in your decisions…” There are so many decisions we make daily, so that choosing love over fear becomes a work in progress, a discipline, similar to meditation practice, or a gym workout…Muscles develop!
In spiritual terms love is all there is. We lose balance when we move out of love into fear, which encompasses the negative emotions we have all experienced: anger, regret, despair, sadness (and the list goes on!).
Some years ago, Nelson Mandela was asked if he got afraid. “Yes,” he said, “I act boldly when I’m afraid.” Courage is not the absence of fear…it is working through the fear…to come to a place where we honor our self. We choose an action, which is in alignment with this integrity. In acting boldly, we might be assertive, quiet, or we might have to re-evaluate our position, our rationale or perspective…
Let’s remember what Neale Donald Walsch says, “Life begins at the edge of our comfort zone.” In living on the edge, where we build self-love: I can choose to let go of anger, be assertive and speak my truth. Let me first define assertion: getting my needs met while respecting the rights of others. When I choose assertion, I change my relationship with others and myself.
When I choose to let go of anger, I am faced with more subtle feelings, which lie underneath. I reveal a more nuanced self! When I speak my truth, I reveal who I am to others and myself…
We are all working to love ourselves more. Our task is to remove the blocks to learn who we are…when we see our self clearly love grows. Spectacular outcome develops from this expansion of knowledge and perception.
Through the resolution of these challenges we grow into our own power. The power I speak of is a sharing of empowerment WITH others. (We are so inextricably connected.)
It is not power over others. Through this EMPOWERED connection we shift our own vibration, and the vibration of the earth to love and compassion. There is no road to love…Love IS the road…
Speak to you on October 19th.
#Courageisworkingthroughthefear #NelsonMandela #NealeDonaldWalsch #empoweredconnection #LoveIStheroad