Just like my dad, I love mornings, the smell of coffee, and the promise of a new day!
Often, he made us breakfast although my mother made me bacon and eggs every school day of my high school years…
Before 9 a.m. last Monday, having finished my Total Body Conditioning Class, and shopping at the Food Co-op, I walked along Seventh Avenue, a street buzzing with activity. I gazed upon the interdependence of the community: Parents walking their children to school. Trucks picking up garbage. School and City buses transporting children and adults. Store owners opening up for the day. People hurrying to catch the train.
This is the season of Christmas, a time of giving; and the Festival of Lights, associated with Hanukkah, Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism. At this special time, I look within, to reflect on the meaningful people and situations in my life. Reflection allows me to consider the importance of what I wish to give and receive because the act of opening a present loses its appeal soon after the initial pleasure. On the other hand, there are loving, emotional and transactional gestures, which touch my heart and linger in my memory. These are more special. Priceless…
I would say that L O V E is, indeed, the greatest gift I can offer, yet I know I need to
LO V E myself first. I can only share what I have myself, and let me tell you, it feels good to L O V E myself. I’ve been deliberately growing self-love since 2001… I’ve been writing about LOVE and COMPASSION since my blog was birthed in January 2013. Of course, this is an on-going journey, and I will continue…to heal any internal emptiness. I am the only person who can do this for myself. This is true for all of us.
How can I fill up my L O V E reserve so that it’s flush and overflowing with L O V E currency? What gifts of L O V E will I give myself so that I can share L O V E with others? Acceptance, kind internal dialog, uplifting friends, family, play, films, wholesome food, exercise, meditation, mantra, challenges to grow my personality…
Well, now…I am equipped to extend the idea of family because I am continuing to grow my internal feeling of L O V E. I have it and I can give it out…I want to:
Share authority by empowering others and myself.
Share resources like expertise and mentoring.
Share kindness through conversation, a gesture, a smile.
Support charities, initiatives and global efforts that promote empowerment and self-sufficiency…
I can share these priceless gifts so that the spirit of Christmas touches others not only in my immediate, biological family. My heart can extend to include others, expanding the idea of family to my neighbors of all ethnic groups–from village to city to country to continent…a global feeling of inclusion – from heart to heart! This sensibility connects me to others, daily. I have written elsewhere that L O V E and C O M P A S S I O N are twins, and that C O M P A S S I O N grows when we choose L O V E over fear in our daily thoughts, decisions and interactions. (*See below for related links.)
Yes, C O M P A S S I O N is an everyday experience.
When we consider L O V E metaphysically, the energy of L O V E, like the speed of thought is instantaneous…a most powerful wave… simple, yet profound and extraordinary…otherworldly…multidimensional. I like to have this gift and to give it to others…creating an internal calm, and a peaceful world…L O V E IS the way…
Merry Christmas! Enjoy the celebration of your beliefs. Speak to on January 4.
Happy New Year!
- https://lindamarsanico.com/#!I-GOT-TO-THINKING/c1byv/E11E9BED-602D-45DA-A36C-361EB3DD23EB
- https://lindamarsanico.com/#!THE-OPPOSITE-OF-LOVE-IS-FEAR/c1byv/5612821c0cf2f0ed7a315733
#smellofcoffee #interdependence #FestivalofLights #Christmas #Hanukkah #Sikhism #Jainism #globalefforts #selfsufficiency #speedofthought