“they Say It’s Your Birthday…Happy Birthday to You” (beatles, 1969)

I can’t believe that my blog is three years old this month. Expressing myself in this way is something I’ve come to love. Initially, I resisted the idea of developing a website. My first editor, Stephanie, told me that a new author needed to have a blog, a platform to attract readers. I didn’t think I could make such a commitment.

Later, when my manuscript was rejected a number of times, I took pause and realized the wisdom of Stephanie’s words: I needed a more industry-savvy approach to interest a publisher…

My first site was in word press, nicely designed by Nick. Afterwards, my assistant, Oscar, further developed the wix site that you now visit at LindaMarsanico.com

I really love the colors and look of this platform, and I enjoy expressing my thoughts around the theme of love and compassion. There is a freedom in blogging, as you, the reader, respond directly to me. There is no third party. As well, there is a satisfaction that my audience is growing in the United States, UK, Europe, Russia, Greece, China, Australia, Brazil, Japan and more… Google Analytics tracks this beautifully. Thank you, Google!

You are my readers. I value your opinion and I’d love to have your feedback.

For those interested in downloading, reading, reviewing and emailing me the review of my e-book “Compassion in my Own Words,” I offer the following:

For the first three reviews, there will be a free 45-minute coaching session; for the next three reviews, a free 30-minute coaching session. These meetings will be by phone or Skype. This offer is for new clients only, and I may wish to include the reviews on my website.

“COMPASSION IN MY OWN WORDS” – Here’s the link:


Please email the review to [email protected] and we’ll set up a meeting for the first six reviews I receive.

In the meantime, Happy New Year!

Speak to you on January 18th



#Googleanalytics #thirdbirthday #industrysavvyapproach #internationalreadership

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Linda Marsanico

