Summer in the City

On the F train early one morn’

A twenty-something couple got on.

With eyes only for each other

They discussed their evening plans.

After running, he suggested Tylenol

For her.

Then, he planned to start dinner

With a salad.

Such tenderness was expressed.

As a twosome, I’d say

They were blessed

With lovingness.

Many people are away

Yet there are many of us who stay,

Taking vacation at other times,

We play,

And experience the sultry days

And cooler nights.

Within our gaze the city reveals itself in variety:

Many personal stories to see and overhear,

Bringing joy, other times a tear…

Without our layers of clothing to distance…

The heart is tugged.

Seeing the homeless and those in poverty,

Whose basic needs go awry.

We might ask why?

I pray for consensus to provide

Mental & physical health care, affordable housing, jobs,

Education and

Blessings of lovingness…

I will speak to you on August 15th…Stay cool…



#homelessness #poverty #ftrain #lovingness #tenderness #basicneeds #blessings

Posted in

Linda Marsanico

