26 June 2010 by Keeps https://www.flickr.com/photos/isg-online/4736193488
I once met a woman named June. Oh! To be named after this beautiful month, which
begins in spring and slides into summer. This is the season that gives us sunny skies and usually, warm, temperate days.
We celebrate graduations, Father’s Day, religious ceremonies. People take pictures in luscious gardens and wish to remain outdoors. Children are delighted as the school year winds down…fewer clothes are needed…the beaches open. The lifeguards sit on tall, white perches, keeping swimmers safe within bounds…
June warms my soul with the sun’s nurturance. In the northern hemisphere, we are now in spring, replete with lush greenery and an infinite variety of color – the flowers delight us as they vibrate a spectacular energy of innocence and possibility. They dance in the invisible breeze.
At an upstate, New York farmhouse, a robin created a nest inside an open porch. (My sister and her husband had not placed the screens to close off this part of the house. Of course, the porch will remain open for an indefinite amount of time so that this new family has safety from the elements.) We marveled at the shape and texture of this cozy shell and saw the beautiful red-breasted bird tend and feed her little ones. We felt blessed and excited to witness this aspect of nature right under our noses and with glee, frequently checked the activities of the new visitors.
Are you awed by these examples of creation? I AM inspired to be loving in June…My heart is more open and giving…as I contemplate my interactions to share a kind word…abundance…a smile…As I’ve written, compassion is an everyday experience and the task is to give it to our self and others. I allow my heart to be touched by the many scenes that people create…
Comforted by the presence of love and compassion, I celebrate the June part of spring and bask with the sun on my skin, using sunscreen of course. I wax poetic in this 6th and
glorious month of the Gregorian calendar. June is a special gift. Let’s enjoy it!
I’ll speak to you on June 19th.
Peace and light,

#GregorianCalendar #lusciousgardens #robinssnest #creation #June #spring