Can You Hear the Birds Sing?

“And your bird can sing” The BEATLES Pascal Rey Photographies

It was 80 degrees at 8 a.m. when I walked out of the air-conditioned gym. My first reaction, almost imperceptible, was to brace myself against the heat. Something came over me to suggest another response: I could accept the temperature rather than physically and emotionally rail against it…

What a relief! With intention and a breath, I let the warmth in by opening my pores to coincide with the oxygen and moisture in the air. Struggle takes a lot of energy, and I let go of it. I didn’t have to fight.

I felt peaceful and more able to focus as I crossed the street. A sparrow chirped to say “hello,” and allowed me to get close… I may have missed her joyful greeting had I been “bracing against” the hotness. I could have been filled with negativity about my suffering, about the heat in Brooklyn in July.

Embracing rather than struggling is an important mental response, which has your 50+ trillion cells responding in accordance. Your vibration correlates to your internal environment. Your vibration is the message you beam out to the consciousness and we all feel it on a deep level…

The idea that you will shift your energy with an embrace has its roots in spirituality and metaphysics. With attention to your moment-to-moment experience you can catch yourself if you should brace against a situation as I did. I’ve written this many times: It’s a variation on the theme of going with the flow, of bending to avoid breaking. YOU can make that choice. That’s how powerful you are!

Be aware of yourself in the moment. These reactions are subtle, and you will need to INTEND to be aware of your self in the present moment – Ah! I’m struggling yet I can embrace and accept reality and decide how I wish to respond. You’ll have access to your options when you are relaxed! And there is so much delight to take in. You always have a choice. Eureka! You are in charge of your self!

Let’s remember there is the bandwidth of love and compassion in the consciousness, and you can choose to focus there (rather than on the level of angst and hostility). Love will sustain you. This is the “wavelength of love” I wrote about in the July 19th blog:

Let’s also remember that choosing love over fear creates miracles because your energy is coinciding with the most powerful force on earth – LOVE.

How can you accomplish this? Well, you can start with catching yourself if you begin to “brace against” a situation or person. Choose to embrace and breathe…and then respond…

It’s a gift to “hear” the joyful birds chirp…

Enjoy the remaining days of July…

Speak to you on August 7th.

Peace and light.


#miracles #LOVE #presentmoment #embrace #struggle #bandwidth #metaphysics #spirituality #intention

Posted in

Linda Marsanico

