6 Tips – Help in Coping with Summer’s End

Photo – Swamibu www.Flickr.com/photos/swamibu/5516035464/

We make the transition from summer to fall.

For some of us, this is nothing at all,

While others bemoan the darker, shorter days…

What can be done?

Plan activities and look forward to long weekends or a vacation in a warm place.

Be social. Call friends to have tea, a meal, a film and theater. Plan a party.

Be nourished during your exercising: Get outdoors to ride your bike, take walks.

Book a walking tour.

Celebrate the wools and luxurious fabrics of the colder weather. Plan an outfit or a new pair of shoes.

Bring in plants that will thrive and bring oxygen into your more closed environment.

Choose gratitude. Before bedtime, list and be grateful for 3 things that happened during your day.

Yes, change is a challenge, riddled with uncertainty to test your mettle, to bring you to a new equilibrium. Move through the ambiguity by taking action. Be curious, untamed, that is, walk on your wild side as you move into your phase, be it a season, looking for a new job, or relationship!

Transformation is the path of

Discomfort – to growth

As we ride the transitional wave into autumn,

With expectation of a different setting.

Let’s remember that attitude leads the way…

To joy or its opposite…It’s your choice

To let go like the caterpillar…

And experience the flight of the butterfly…

Here are other blogposts that speak of transition:










I will speak to you in autumn, on September 26th



#transition #shorterdays #planactivities #walkingtour #choosegratitude #geraniums #flightofthebutterfly #attitudeleadstheway

Posted in

Linda Marsanico

